Exploding onto the scene in 2015, House and Techno duo Aaron Taylor and Charles Robinson have taken the dance music scene by storm, under their moniker PAX. We caught up with them to chat all things past, present and future.

To start, how are you? 2019 has obviously been a pretty massive year for you both. What have been some highlights? What have you learned along the way?

We’re great thank you, and yes 2019 has been a pretty defining year for us, with many a highlight along the way. Playing Amnesia in Ibiza for the first time was particularly special, because you have spent so many nights in there as a clubber looking up to the booth on the terrace thinking “One Day”, and when it finally happens it is a huge moment. The ABODE festival on Gozo was also indescribably special, the Forbidden shows we play are always amazing, and of course having all our music be so well received has been brilliant as well.

Can you give us some insight on how the production process works between you two?

We always start with a raw idea or basic structure and get it right in it’s most raw form. Whether that be a chord progression, a drum arrangement or a vocal we’ve written. We’ll then pass the project back and forth to each other, each adding elements and refining aspects along the way. It’ll then come to a point where we start working on the track together in sessions in one of our studios. We’ll do the mix down, and then start road testing it. We’ll then go back again several times tweaking and changing super subtle nuances nobody except us will ever notice, much to our managements frustration.

What’s the best thing about being duo DJs?

When we first started promoters would book us in the same room, it was always a right laugh walking into the room to find a double bed haha but seriously, the benefits of being in duo far outweigh any downsides. The toll of touring can be pretty intense, and you find it effects solo acts in ways it doesn’t duos. We honestly believe it negates any of the mental health issues that a lot of solo acts succumb to, and that in itself is priceless.

Danny Howard previously described your position in the tech house scene as ‘Prolific’ live on Radio 1, how would you describe it now after the summer? 

We’re always so grateful for everyone that supports us whether they’re listening to the tracks or playing it to their mates or industry cornerstones like Danny backing our corner but the truth is we can’t sit still, we’re never content beyond the initial understanding and we’re always then taking the next step and planning the following.

How’s the response been to your latest track ‘Pass the Bottle?

Phenomenal. From the moment we posted the first video of us playing it at Studio 338 in London our socials just went crazy. We’ve never had so many messages about a track, and it was wicked to see it be so well received from the off.

What track have you got on repeat at the moment?

The one we’re currently working on. Haha. Honestly after all day in the studio we’re more likely to listen to a podcast than music. We did play Sitigawana by Rudimental and the Martinez Brothers a lot while travelling this summer, and every time we’re in Ibiza Benediction by Hot Natured is never far away.

You’ve spun for some big crowds, can you tell us about a particularly

Probably the crowd at ABODE in the park singing the words to Pass the Bottle before it had even been released. That was surreal and special.

You’ve played at many of the UK’s most iconic venues including Fabric, where would you say is your favourite European hotspots? 

Honestly, we think the best club we’ve ever played at is La Grotta on the island of Gozo. The club has everything, with the classic inside outside characteristics of how the clubs in Ibiza used to be. It’s a truly special venue for clubbers and DJs alike.

Have you got your eyes on any other venues around the world?

All of them. More imminently we can’t wait for our America and Australia tours to kick off next year. The scenes out there look lively to say the least.

You’re playing WHP on the 11th October. What can we expect from you and how excited are you to play at the new Depot at Mayfield?

You can expect our usual blend of the best music you’ve ever heard with an undercurrent of utter disappointment. We’ll be playing loads of our own stuff, hence the disappointment. Haha. And yeah, WHP is always a blast. We can’t wait to check out the new venue as the feedback we’ve heard so far has all been astounding.

One meal for the rest of your life, go…

Volcano seared seahorse souls with a morning dew foam and spaghetti hoops, smothered in lashings of regret.

Finally, what we can expect to hear from you in the next coming months with your own productions…

Yeah we’ve got tonnes of absolute bangers coming every week, but unfortunately we’re not allowed to talk about any of them. And you just know whenever an artist says that they don’t have anything coming out! Haha.

We do actually have something really special in the works but ironically we can’t talk about it.

Told you we were bad at answering questions.

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